Promoting Balance Through Plants
Being instructed to stay home has resulted in many people rediscovering their living space. Those honey-do chores are no longer burdensome; they're now lists of welcome tasks to help people feel productive while they self isolate. Gardening, yard work, pruning, and painting fences not only restore the home but also create a sense of calm and control.
With this in mind, we can find some clever ways to sell our products and services using this angle of home improvement as a way of finding balance in an unbalanced world. We just need to look at all the senses and match them to the perfect plant.
Plants that work well for promoting wellness include those that are easy to maintain, attract wildlife, and are visually beautiful. Try encouraging your customers to see their gardens as a work of art and promote some of these tried-and-true classic native plants to help them achieve their goals.
Gay Butterflies Milkweed
With gorgeous fiery red, orange, and yellow blooms throughout June and July, Milkweed is a magnet for butterflies and hummingbirds. This plant is sure to attract a lot of activity, providing you and your family with welcome visits from friends of the garden.
Not only will the local wildlife enjoy this plant selection, but the dazzling colors will be a delight to the homeowner as well.
Eastern Sweetshrub
This native is all about scent! Eastern Sweetshrub is one of those plants that make you want to stoop down and inhale its sweet aroma. The deep burgundy flowers also attract numerous insects that, in turn, attract birds! For a fun DIY craft, collect the flowers, leaves, and twigs to dry for scented crafts like potpourri.
‘The Blues’ Little Bluestem
Schizachyrium scoparium 'The Blues'
Every garden needs a few ornamental grasses. The fresh air we're surrounded by is invisible until it reveals itself with the movement of the tree branches and swaying grasses. This Little Bluestem cultivar is especially beautiful with its blue-green color that fades to red-orange in fall.
Highbush Blueberry
Vaccinium corymbosum ‘Blue Jay’
Blueberries are a near-perfect snack. A favorite for both humans and birds, this selection will produce enough for everyone. A vigorous grower with a heavy fruit set in summer, ‘Blue Jay’ finishes off the year by going out in a blaze of glorious color in fall.
In addition to providing its nutrient-packed fruit, its flowers provide nectar for native bees, butterflies, and other pollinators.
Covering all the Senses
From swaying grasses and fragrant scents to glorious colors and sweet delights, using native plants in the garden, such as the ones we mentioned above, will encourage wellness and bring balance to backyards everywhere.