
Look for this Plant at Your Local Garden Center
Eupatorium perfoliatum - Common Boneset
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Eupatorium purpureum ssp. maculatum 'Gateway' - Joe Pye Weed
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Eupatorium rugosum 'Chocolate' - Snakeroot
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Fagus grandifolia - American Beech
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Filipendula rubra 'Venusta' - Queen of the Prairie
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Fothergilla major - Mountain Witchalder
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Franklinia alatamaha - Franklinia
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Gaillardia aristata 'Burgunder' - Burgundy Blanket Flower
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Gaylussacia baccata - Black Huckleberry
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Geranium maculatum 'Espresso' - Cranesbill
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Geranium maculatum - Wild Spotted Geranium
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Geum fragarioides - Appalachian Barren Strawberry
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Geum triflorum - Prairie Smoke
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Hamamelis vernalis - vernal witchhazel
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Hamamelis virginiana 'Harvest Moon' - Harvest Moon Witchhazel
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Hamamelis virginiana - American witchhazel
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Helenium autumnale - Common Sneezewood