White Cloud Muhly Grass
Muhlenbergia capillaris 'White Cloud'
Thin, blue-green foliage forms a spiky, open, fine-textured mound that throws up stems in September topped by brilliant white flowers that last well into fall and seem to glow in the moonlight! Easy to grow and drought tolerant, native birds love its seed, cover and nesting attributes.
Native to New England, south to Florida and west to Texas and the lower Midwest. Found on sandy, pine openings, prairies and dry, exposed ledges.
Map Credit: The Biota of North America
Map Key: Green (native), Teal (native, adventive), Blue (present), Yellow (present & rare), Red (extinct)
'White Cloud' grows somewhat larger and blooms later than other varieties.
Prefers sandy or rocky, dry to medium moisture, well-drained soils. This is a clump-forming ornamental grass that does not spread aggressively.
Choosing the right plants for your garden can seem like a daunting task but we’re here to help. Our horticulturists have spent a considerable amount of time researching and writing our beautiful, American Beauties plant tags to help you be successful. First of all, when you see an American Beauties branded pot at your garden center you can be confident that the plant is native to your area and a responsible choice.
When you look at our tag you’ll find information about the plants natural habitat. That will give you a clue to how it will work in your backyard. For instance if the plant is naturally founded and moist, shade and you have full sun, it’s not the plant for you. The “Features” section gives you an overview or plant description so you’ll know what to expect. While the “Benefits” section talks about the plants strong suits and how the plant will benefit wildlife.
A Special Note About Exposure
Full sun: Prefers six or more hours of direct sunshine a day
Partial shade: Thrives in three to six hours of daily sunshine
Shade: Generally does well with less than three hours of sun per day. Having said that even shade loving plants will struggle in extremely deep shade.
Best Plants for Bees - Double sided printout for download
Best Plants for Butterflies - Double sided printout for download